Research & teaching
Research & teaching
I am heavily involved in training and teaching the upcoming neurosurgeons. I works with the registrars to teach them surgical techniques, anatomy and other key skills needed to progress in their career.
I am also actively involved in research projects with the aim of advancing care and treatment options available for his patients. Below is a list of some of my publications to date:
Hutchinson P DT al. Trial of Dexamethasone for Chronic Subdural Hematoma. N Engl J Med, 2020 vol. 383(27) pp. 2616-2627
D’Urso PI Dr al. Cingulate motor areas: Intraoperative findings. Clin Neurophysiol, 2020 vol. 131(8) pp. 1804-1805
D'Urso, PI. Letter: An Online Calculator for the Prediction of Survival in Glioblastoma Patients Using Classical Statistics and Machine Learning. Neurosurgery, 2020 vol. 87(2) pp. E273-E274
Jung J RT al. Management evaluation of metastasis in the brain (MEMBRAIN)-a United Kingdom and Ireland prospective, multicenter observational study. Neurooncol Pract, 2020 vol. 7(3) pp. 344-355
D’Urso PI. Letter: Growth of Lumbosacral Perineural (Tarlov) Cysts: A Natural History Analysis. Neurosurgery, 2020 vol. 86(6) p. E589
Manzo, M; D'Urso, PI. Convexity meningioma associated with noncontiguous dural arteriovenous fistula. Surg Neurol Int, 2020 vol. 11 p. 127
Manzo, M; D'Urso, PI. Craniocervical junction arachnoid cyst. Surg Neurol Int, 2020 vol. 11 p. 34
D’Urso PI. Minimally invasive posterior fossa decompression in Chiari I malformation. Surgical Neurology International, 2019
Phang I, …, D’Urso PI. Minimally invasive resection of brain metastases. World Neurosurgery 2019
D’Urso PI. Cognitive outcome following glioma surgery. Acta Neurochirurgica 2018 Oct;160(10):1975
D’Urso PI, Ughradar I. Letter to the Editor Regarding “Prophylactic Antiepileptic Drug Use in Patients with Brain Tumors Undergoing Craniotomy”. World Neurosurgery 2017 Sep;105:1018
Alken SP,D’Urso P, Saran FH. Managing teenage/young adult (TYA) brain tumors: a UK perspective. CNS Oncol. 2015;4(4):235-46. doi: 10.2217/cns.15.14. Epub 2015 Jun 29
Poltronieri P,D’Urso PI, Mezzolla V, D’Urso OF. Potential of anti-cancer therapy based on anti-miR-155 oligonucleotides in glioma and brain tumours. Chem Biol Drug Des. 2013 Jan;81(1):79-84. doi: 10.1111/cbdd.12002. Review.
Cobeddu E, D’Urso PI, Meyer FB et al. Intracranial aneurysms in patients with internal carotid artery occlusion: management and outcom in 22 cases. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2013 Nov;155(11):2001-7
Lanzino G, Murad MH, D’Urso PI, Rabinstein AA. Coil embolization versus clipping for ruptured intracranial aneurysms: a meta-analysis of prospective controlled published studies. Am J Neuroradiol 2013 Sept 34(9):1764-8
Barazi SA, Pasquini E, D’Urso PI, et al. Extended endoscopic transplanum-transtuberculum approach for pituitary adenomas. Br J Neurosurg 2013 Jun 27(3)374-82
D’Urso PI, Karadeli HH, et al. Coiling for paraclinoid aneurysms: time to make way for flow diverters? AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2012 Sep;33(8):1470-4.
D’Urso PI, et al. miR-155 is up-regulated in primary and secondary glioblastoma and promotes tumour growth by inhibiting GABA receptors. Int J Oncol. 2012 Jul;41(1):228-34
D’Urso PI, Lanzino G, Cloft HJ, Kallmes DF. Flow diversion for intracranial aneurysms: a review. Stroke. 2011 Aug;42(8):2363-8.
Lanzino G,D’Urso PI, Tymianski M. Advances in vascular neurosurgery 2010. Stroke. 2011 Feb;42(2):288-90.
Lanzino G, D’Urso PI, Kallmes DF, Cloft HJ. Onyx embolization of extradural spinal arteriovenous malformations with intradural venous drainage. Neurosurgery 2012 70:329-333
Lanzino G,D’Urso PI. Carotid dissections. J Neurosurg. 2011 Jul;115(1):89-90;
Lanzino G, D’Urso PI, Suarez J et al. Seizures and anticonvulsants after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Neurocritical Care 2011; 15:247-256
D’Urso PI, Lanzino G, Cloft HJ, Kallmes DF. Flow diversion for intracranial aneurysms: a review. Stroke 2011; 42:2363-2368
Lanzino g, D’Urso PI. Carotid dissections. J Neurosurg 2011;115:88-90
D’Urso PI, Loumiotis I, Milligan BD, Cloft H, Lanzino G. Real time angiographic evidence of pseudoaneurysm formation after aneurysm rebleeding. Neurocritical Care 2011;14:459-462
Caliandro P, Ferrarin M, Cioni M, Bentivoglio AR, Minciotti, D’Urso PI, Tonali PA, Padua L. Levodopa effect on electromyographic patterns of tibialis anterior muscle during wlaking in Parkinson’s disease. Gait Posture 2011; 33:436-441
D’Urso PI, D’Urso OF, Storelli C, Catapano G, Gianfreda CD, Montinaro A, Muscella A, Marsigliante S. Retrospective protein expression and epigenetic inactivation studies of CDH1 in patients affected by low-grade glioma. J Neurooncol. 2011 Aug;104(1):113-8.
D’Urso PI, Marino M, Di Blasi A, Muccio CF, De Cillis P, Catapano G. Pontine extension of a tentorial schwannoma without cranial nerve involvement: a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2011 Dec 28;5:597
De Blasi R,D’Urso PI, Colamaria A, Occhiogrosso G, Ciappetta P. Spontaneous carotid-cavernous fistula supplied by the contralateral meningohypophyseal trunk: case report and literature review. J Neurosurg Sci. 2010 Mar;54(1):45-8. Review.
Ciappetta P, D’Urso PI, Colamaria A, Lauta E, Cimmino A, D’Urso OF, Rossi R, Resta L, Ingravallo G. Giant cell angiitis of the central nervous system with atypical presentation. Neuropathology. 2010 Aug;30(4):434-8.
Ciappetta P, D’Urso PI, Cimmino A, Ingravallo G, Rossi R, Colamaria A, D’Urso OF. Intramedullary solitary fibrous tumor of dorsal spinal cord. 2010 Jun;30(3):273-8.
D’Urso PI, D’Urso OF, Marsigliante S, Storelli C, Distante A, Sanguedolce F, Cimmino A. Gliomatosis cerebri type II: two case reports. J Med Case Rep. 2009 Jun 15;3:7225.
D’Urso OF, D’Urso PI, Marsigliante S, Storelli C, Luzi G, Gianfreda CD, Montinaro A, Distante A, Ciappetta P. Correlative analysis of gene expression profile and prognosis in patients with gliomatosis cerebri. 2009 Aug 15;115(16):3749-57.
Ciappetta P, Luzzi S, De Blasi R, D’Urso PI. Extracranial aneurysms of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery. Literature review and report of a new case. J Neurosurg Sci. 2009 Dec;53(4):147-51. Review.
Ciappetta, G. Occhiogrosso, S. Luzzi, P.I. D’Urso et al. Jugular tubercle and vertebral artery/posterior inferior cerebellar artery anatomic relationship: a 3-dimensional angiography computed tomography anthropometric study. Neurosurgery. 2009 May;64(5 Suppl 2):429-36
I. D’Urso, O.F. D’Urso et al. Solid phase subtractive cloning in differentially expressed genes identification. Mol Biol Rep. 2009 Apr 3.
De Tommasi, S. Luzzi, PI D’Urso, C. De Tommasi, N Resta, Ciappetta P. Molecular genetic analysis in a case of ganglioma: identification of a new mutation. Neurosurgery 2008 Nov;63(5):976-980
Ciappetta, P.I. D’Urso et al. Giant craniovertebral junction hemorrhagic schwannoma: case report. Neurosurgery. 2008 May;62(5):E1166.
Ciappetta, P.I. D’Urso et al. Cervicothoracic postarachnoiditic hydrosyringomyelia secondary to pedicular hook dislocation: case report. Surg Neurol. 2009 Apr;71(4):500-3
Ciappetta, A. Calace, P.I. D’Urso et al. Endoscopic treatment of pituitary abscess: two case reports and literature review. Neurosurg Rev. 2008;31(2):237-46.
Ciappetta, P.I. D’Urso et al. Cystic dilation of the ventriculus terminalis in adults. J Neurosurg Spine. 2008 Jan;8(1):92-9.Endoscopic treatment of pituitary abscess: two case reports and literature review. Neurosurg Rev. 2008 Apr;31(2):237-46
De Tommasi, P.I. D’Urso et al. Central neurocytoma: two case reports and review of the literature. Neurosurg Rev. 2006 Oct;29(4):339-47.
P.I. D’Urso, G. Lanzino. Chapter: Far lateral approach to the craniocervical junction. In: Surgical Atlas of Spinal Operations. J. Eck, A.R. Vaccaro (Eds) 2013, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers.
Ciappetta, P.I. D’Urso. Chapter: Subtemporal Approach. In: Cranial, Cranio-Facial and skull base surgery. Cappabianca, Paolo; Califano Luigi; Iaconeta Giorgio (Eds) 2010, XVI. Springer